Q&A Forum

To support this online community dedicated to improving the care and outcomes of patients with Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) and Dyslipidemia, we have created this Q&A forum so you can ask our expert panel your questions. Not only will you receive an answer to your specific question, but you will also be helping your peers further their knowledge too.

See the responses below and scroll down to ask your own question.

Q&A Responses from Professor Alhabib

What are the current challenges in diagnosing and treating familial hypercholesterolemia?

What are the updated recommendations for treating FH according to the latest guidelines?

Do you have any comment on PCSK9 inhibitors and their effect on FH?

Could you comment on the safety aspects of combination therapy while treating patients with FH?

Studies have shown that Lp(a) can be used to improve the diagnosis and management of FH, what's your observation in your clinic?

Q&A Responses from Professor Bhatt

What are the primary risk factors for developing ASCVD?

How do triglycerides impact cardiovascular risk, and what are the treatment strategies for high triglyceride levels?

Could you discuss the role of inflammation in ASCVD and how it interacts with lipid levels?

How do lifestyle interventions compare to pharmacotherapy in managing dyslipidemia and reducing ASCVD risk?

How do triglycerides impact cardiovascular risk, and what are the treatment strategies for high triglyceride levels?

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